On Sunday, April 20, Dr. Ayanna Rakhu and Sankofa Swim Internal collaborated with V3 Sports and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority and several other partners to bring the first annual Water Safety Festival to North Minneapolis, Minnesota. The festival was a big success. Dozens of families had a blast and learned vital new skills across many activities: kids lessons, an adult water class, diving and synchronized swim demonstrations, lifeguarding and life saving skills, kiddie pools and much more. Participants were also provided with food, CPR demos, life vests, goggles, and swim caps.
The festival was privileged to have Life Guard Lt. Ken Roland in the Twin Cities for the Water Safety Festival organized for and open to the community.
Drowning prevention awareness and safety measures, water safety skills, and swim training must become a norm in our communities.
This is why we are prioritizing these skills, teaching infants, children, teens and adults to know what to do in and around water and to have fun while changing lives.
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